Hi, all

I'm using SQLite version 3.7.2 ported to Windows CE, in a application developed 
using Lazarus

I got the compiled SQLITE3.DLL for Windows CE in the site www.parmaja.com

For now, I am  using  one emulator to run the native Windows CE application in 
a desktop computer running Windows 2000 SP4.

That emulator is the Microsoft Device Emulator V3.

Well, considering that is the first time I work in the environment, I  made a 
little application in Lazarus that load text files to the SQLite database. 

The process was done well, until the moment that  will close execute the 
command “commit”. I this moment the application crashes showing the message 
“Disk I/O Error”.

During the execution, the journal file for database is created, and after the 
crash it is removed and the database file remains without any modifications.

Searching in the Web, I found a note describing a workaround, that consist in 
change the pragma “jornal_mode” to value “truncate”.

For my surprise, all my tries to change the value of pragma “journal_mode” 
don't work. I try change via SQL DDL script, via SQL Expert and via 

In all the cases, when I access the database after the changes, the values of 
pragma “journal_mode” it ever “delete”, not the value that I change. I try 
“truncate”, “memory”, etc, without any success.

In resume, I have two problems

1)The “Disk  I/O Error” when I try to commit the transaction (running in a 
Windows CE Emulator)

2)The change of value of pragma that don't work.   

Thanks in advance

Horacio Pereira
Belo Horizonte – MG – Brasil
sqlite-users mailing list

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