> I couldn't understand, development environment is 32-bit version. However,
> production environment is 64-bit version.

Do you by any chance try to use the same sqlite3 library from both
environments? 64-bit applications cannot load 32-bit dlls into them.
So you need to compile a 64-bit version of sqlite3 library.


On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Limbu Bhagi Raj <ichiroh...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear sir or madam:
> I am new user of sqlite. I developed application in asp.net 3.5 and it works
> perfect in development environment. However, After i deploy my project in
> windows server 2008 IIS 7.0, It throws an error message.
> A message contain "Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could 
> not
> be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
> Stack Trace:   at 
> System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_open_v2(Byte[]
> utf8Filename, IntPtr& db, Int32 flags, IntPtr vfs)
>  at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Open(String strFilename, SQLiteOpenFlagsEnum
> flags, Int32 maxPoolSize, Boolean usePool)
>   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Open()
> "
> I couldn't understand, development environment is 32-bit version. However,
> production environment is 64-bit version.
> Could you provide some idea, how can i handle in such situation.
> Regards and metta,
> Ichiorhang
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