On 12/17/2010 4:36 AM, Sumedh wrote:
> I am using C API
> I am using sqlite3_column_type to determine, the type of column as it is
> requirement for me to decide whether to return the value as string or
> number. It works well, but not in case when i use left outer join.
> When i use left outer join, the column type returned is always NULL
> irrespective of the actual column type

What do you mean by "actual column type"?

sqlite3_column_type returns the type of the *value* stored in a given 
column in the current row. Unlike many other database systems, SQLite 
can store a value of any type in any column. Values of different types 
may appear in the same column, in different rows.

A value NULL is of type NULL. It's clearly not a string nor an integer. 
That's what sqlite3_column_type is telling you.

> For example
> SELECT a.col1, a.col2, b.col3, b.col4  FROM table1 a LEFT OUTER JOIN table2
> b ON a.col1=1;

Is table2 empty, by any chance?
Igor Tandetnik

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