On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Vadim Smirnov <vsmir...@ptsecurity.ru>wrote:

> Hello!
> I've found a bug in execution queries like this:
> SELECT ... FROM table T JOIN table2 T2 ON T2.child=T.master
> WHERE T2.attr in(SELECT value FROM table3 T3 JOIN (SELECT group, MAX(value)
> FROM table4 T4 WHERE T4.date_value<=T2.date_value GROUP BY group) G ON
> G.group=T3.group)
> Such queries returns empty resultset because of invalid evaluation WHERE
> T4.date_value<=T2.date_value. It seems that SQLite evaluates WHERE
> T4.date_value<=null in fact.

It works when I try it.

Why don't you send us a specific example that does not work for  you
(including CREATE TABLE statements and INSERTs to fill the tables with data)
and we'll have another look.

> If we replace "WHERE T4.date_value<=T2.date_value" with "WHERE
> T4.date_value<=<const value>" everything will be okey.
> Sincerely Yours, Wadim Smirnov
> System architect
> Positive Technologies CJSC, Russia
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