On 1/24/11 8:29 AM, "Richard Hipp" <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Duquette, William H (318K) <
> william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>> A question on using randomblob(16) to generate UUIDs, as the SQLite docs
>> suggest: what assurance do you have that the UUID really is universally
>> unique?  It's a pseudo-random number, and you can replicate a stream of
>> pseudo-random numbers by setting the seed appropriately.  Is randomblob()
>> doing some kind of magic in its seeding of the random number stream?
> The SQLite PRNG is based on RC4 and is quite good.  On unix, it is seeded
> from /dev/random (where available - which is pretty much everywhere these
> days, except on windows).
> So if you do the math, you'll see that the odds of getting duplicate
> randomblob(N) (for suitably large N, say 20) are far smaller than a giant
> meteor striking earth and ending all life here.  So while it is
> mathematically possible, we consider it sufficiently unlikely that it can be
> disregarded.

(Googling /dev/random.)

Aha.  randomblob() *IS* doing some kind of magic in its seeding of the
random number stream.  Very cool, I was not aware of /dev/random.

>> Will
>> On 1/24/11 3:49 AM, "Alexey Pechnikov" <pechni...@mobigroup.ru> wrote:
>> See
>> http://sqlite.mobigroup.ru/dir?name=ext/uuid
>> 2011/1/24 sqlite-us...@h-rd.org <sqlite-us...@h-rd.org>
>>> Hi,
>>> I have put together a simple uuid generation method in sqlite:
>>>  select '{' || hex( randomblob(4)) || '-' || hex( randomblob(2))
>>>             || '-' || '4' || substr( hex( randomblob(2)), 2) || '-'
>>>             || substr('AB89', 1 + (abs(random()) % 4) , 1)  ||
>>>             substr(hex(randomblob(2)), 2) || '-' || hex(randomblob(6)) ||
>>> '}';
>>> It's based on the description for v.4 uuid's in wikipedia
>>> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Uuid .
>>> But I am thinking there may be a better (or another) method to do this
>>> in sqlite, without the need to use something external?
>>> thanks
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>> --
>> Will Duquette -- william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov
>> Athena Development Lead -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
>> "It's amazing what you can do with the right tools."
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Will Duquette -- william.h.duque...@jpl.nasa.gov
Athena Development Lead -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"It's amazing what you can do with the right tools."

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