On Sun, 06 Feb 2011 11:41:03 -0500, Teg <t...@djii.com> wrote:

> Hello Yves,
> You could alway mime/uu/yenc encode it into text before insert, and do
> the reverse when you retrieve it. Then the problem goes away.

No, it doesn’t:  Then SQLite *really* has no way of telling the byte  
length of the value, which SQL core function length() does perfectly well  
for properly-stored BLOBs (and which is what Mr. Goergen actually wanted).

SQLite handles 8-bit BLOBs just fine, at that; there is never any need  
thereby to bend, fold, spindle, or mutilate data with ugly 7-bit  

Very truly,

Samuel Adam ◊ <http://certifound.com/>
763 Montgomery Road ◊ Hillsborough, NJ  08844-1304 ◊ United States
Legal advice from a non-lawyer: “If you are sued, don’t do what the
Supreme Court of New Jersey, its agents, and its officers did.”

> C
> Sunday, February 6, 2011, 10:53:05 AM, you wrote:
> YG> On 06.02.2011 14:36 CE(S)T, Samuel Adam wrote:
>>>       * You should be using bound parameters on INSERT.  If you are  
>>> not, change
>>> your code.  This will eliminate a whole list of potential problems.
> YG> I already do that.
>>>       * Make sure the binding is done as BLOB and not TEXT.  PDO  
>>> probably has
>>> its own flags defined for this.  This is the part that tells SQLite
>>> whether you are inserting TEXT or BLOB.
> YG> There is a PDO method to execute a prepared statement with an array  
> of
> YG> values to be used as parameters. There is no way to specify  
> additional
> YG> information about how to interpret these values in this method. But
> YG> there is another method to bind each value separately, and it has
> YG> another argument to pass some data type. I'd need to change the way I
> YG> execute my SQL statements to make use of it.
> YG> I'd expect that SQLite known on its own what data type a column is  
> and
> YG> respect it. Seems like SQLite is sometimes more type-agnostic than  
> PHP,
> YG> where I take great care of data types in this special application.
> YG> For now, I just won't save files to the database with SQLite but  
> instead
> YG> on disk. I won't get to rewriting the database class anytime soon but
> YG> I'll look into it then.
> YG> I'm wondering why I get all the data back but SQLite can't count its
> YG> characters... And the image I get back from SQLite looks error-free  
> so
> YG> it probably didn't make a single mistake handling it as text data.
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