On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 6:13 AM, <sasikuma...@tcs.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Motorola MC55 device, with 2GB external memory card.
> For the SQlite Db I have used the following Pragma values
> PRAGMA cache_size = 16000
> PRAGMA  temp_store = 2
> PRAGMA  synchronous = OFF
> PRAGMA  locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE
> for some performance improvement
> For insertion of records I use
> sqlite3_prepare
> then binding the values using
> sqlite3_bind_int64
> and finally executing using
> sqlite3_step
> We use to insert a set of 10 records every time, so I use "BEGIN" and
> "COMMIT" transaction .
> Despite these the insertion is slow, like it takes around 700 milliseconds
> to insert one record, is there anyother way to improve the performance.
> Kindly help in this regard

I have no idea what a Motorola MC55 is, but either it is a very slow device
or else you are doing something wrong.  Some things to try:

(1) Increase the number of inserts within a single transaction to 1000.
Does that make it 100 times faster?  (It should.)

(2) Set PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;

(3) Populate your database on a workstation then copy it over to the device.

> Regards,
> Sasikumar U
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