On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:32:52 -0500, Black, Michael (IS)  
<michael.bla...@ngc.com> wrote:

> I'll agree that excessive worry is counterproductive.  But when I see  
> warnings about pointer size mismatch and integer truncation I get  
> worried.

So, what would you do if you found this to be the right tool for a job?


        This is the story of a clever trick that’s been around for
        at least 35 years, in which array values can be left
        uninitialized and then read during normal operations, yet
        the code behaves correctly no matter what garbage is sitting
        in the array.
        Notice what just happened: sparse can have any arbitrary
        values in the positions for integers not in the set, those
        values actually get used during membership tests, and yet
        the membership test behaves correctly!  (This would drive
        valgrind nuts.)

My list history shows[1] that I know how to catch real bugs on a compiler  
warning.  But really, the signup process for this list needs a big scary  
TOS agreement containing the stipulation, “I promise not to complain about  
compiler warnings unless I have actually READ THE SOURCE CODE and found  
actual evidence of an actual bug.”  That, with a liquidated damages  
provision.  A FAQ[2] isn’t enough, as we can see.

To put it another way:  Bug reporters should have probable cause before  
they bug others.  A compiler warning is only a reasonable articulable  
suspicion.  Note that “probable cause” doesn’t imply computer expertise;  
“it crashes” is probable cause.  But a compiler warning only means that a  
dumb piece of melted sand (i.e., a computer) running a static analysis  
suggested there might be perhaps something wrong with it, maybe.  Not that  
any actual misbehavior was observed.  Relying on a compiler warning means  
abdicating wetware to kneel in thrall at the feet of silicon dioxide.   
It’s wrong and it’s stupid.

N.b., I am not accusing hereby Mr. Black of so relying; I just happened to  
reply to his message, because the uninitialized-memory trick seemed  
apropos of his message and I think he as a C coder would duly appreciate  
the argument (whether or not he agrees).  But the original poster, Mr.  
Arief, posted an apparent copy-and-paste of such warnings with aught other  
said but a helpful link to where we can download MSVC Express.  It happens  
here every few months; I am sick of it, ten thousand other list readers  
are probably sick of it, and it peeves the SQLite team sufficiently that  
they have a FAQ[2,idem] on the topic.

> [snip]
> If you're going to decide to ignore it then put a comment in the code  
> that says "don't bother to use options X/Y/Z to look for warnings...we  
> have chosen to ignore them".

Much as I regularly take issue with other items therein, when both the  
FAQ[2,idem] and another document thereby referenced[3] explain SQLite’s  
position on compiler warnings, it is futile to expect that somebody who  
missed that would read a source code comment.  Did I mention the  

Very truly,

Samuel Adam ◊ <http://certifound.com/>
763 Montgomery Road ◊ Hillsborough, NJ  08844-1304 ◊ United States
Legal advice from a non-lawyer: “If you are sued, don’t do what the
Supreme Court of New Jersey, its agents, and its officers did.”

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users@sqlite.org/msg56813.html

[2] http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q17

[3] http://www.sqlite.org/testing.html#staticanalysis
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