
On Windows, SQLite uses the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag to have
temporary files automatically deleted after they are closed.  WINCE
doesn't support this flag, so you will see special logic in os_win.c,
wrapped in #ifdef SQLITE_OS_WINCE, for handling the deletion of these
files.  You mentioned in an earlier post that you had ported to your
platform based on this code.   Could you check that your ported code
includes this logic?


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Sudha Venkatareddy <sudha....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I referred the link http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2829
> it is slightly related to it but the temporary files are created while
> running VACUUM command.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Ticket 2829:
> This patch seems to fix it (added: SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE):
> -                    | SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL) ){
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The temp files were created in the below call sequence:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  62 otherOsOpen() sqlite3.c:123900 0x3afe25bd
>  61 sqlite3OsOpen() sqlite3.c:15280 0x3af550d0
>  60 pagerOpentemp() sqlite3.c:39431 0x3af62e70
>  59 pager_write_pagelist() sqlite3.c:40030 0x3af63a68
>  58 sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne() sqlite3.c:41884 0x3af669ff
>  57 sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() sqlite3.c:48993 0x3af72665
>  56 sqlite3BtreeCommit() sqlite3.c:49083 0x3af728e6
>  55 sqlite3RunVacuum() sqlite3.c:94735 0x3afcce29
>  54 sqlite3VdbeExec() sqlite3.c:66384 0x3af961e4
>  53 sqlite3Step() sqlite3.c:59380 0x3af87b34
>  52 sqlite3_step() sqlite3.c:59444 0x3af87d6e
>  51 sqlite3_exec() sqlite3.c:84701 0x3afb86b9
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Basically there 2 problems associated when i run VACUUM command.
> Problem 1. Running VACUUM leaves 3 temporary files in the temp directory
> which are not deleted when main DB is closed.
> Problem 2. Upon applying VACUUM command on say main DB file MyDb.db , and
> closing the main DB connection, the size of the main DB file MyDb.db does
> not change where as one of the temp file(etilqs_*) will actually contain the
> reduced size of the same data as of main DB file.
> I am not sure if this is the expected behaviour or there is some bug in the
> flow.
> Please let me know if there is a solution to resolve this issue.
> Thanks,
> Sudha
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> On 23 Feb 2011, at 6:11am, Sudha Venkatareddy wrote:
>> > *Actual output: MyDb.db remains size 23KB(size not changes from original)
>> > and creates temporary file etilqs_Hm4RUi6JPXcMZ17 whose data is same as
>> > MyDb.db but the size is reduced to 13KB*
>> Your problem is probably related to
>> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2829
>> .  It's quite legitimate for your symptoms to occur while the database
>> handle is still open but you should not be seeing those files after you have
>> closed the connection to the database.  Either you are not closing the
>> database connection properly, or some part of the API you're using is not
>> closing the database connection properly.
>> I'm not familiar with how this problem manifests because I don't use
>> Windows, so I'll leave it up to an expert to tell you if it needs fixing
>> somehow.
>> Simon.
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