On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:24:14AM -0800, Wiktor Adamski scratched on the wall:
> SQLite version 3.7.5
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT);
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE t2 (b INT);
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT);
> sqlite> SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.a = t2.b AND a /* obviously
> t1.a */ != 1 JOIN t3 ON t1.a = t3.a;
> Error: ambiguous column name: a

  Not a bug, not obviously anything, and just the joy of SQL.

  In short, you cannot assume conditions are processed left-to-right,
  including JOIN conditions.  You have two tables in your statement
  with an "a" column, so any reference, anywhere in the statement, must
  be qualified or it will be ambiguous.
  In this case the expression "t1.a != 1" would be much more appropriate
  in a WHERE clause, since it is just a row filter and has nothing to do
  with the JOIN itself (it only involves one table, after all).  If we
  rewrite the query with that condition in the WHERE clause, the column
  name is clearly ambiguous (even if the structure of the query tells
  us that all "a" columns must have the same value):

    SELECT * 
      FROM   t1 
        JOIN t2 ON t1.a = t2.b 
        JOIN t3 ON t1.a = t3.a
      WHERE a != 1;  -- which "a"?

  Internally, SQLite actually moves all JOIN conditions to the WHERE
  clause, effectively processing all statement conditions in one batch.
  That means the statement that SQLite is actually processing looks a lot
  more like this:

    SELECT * 
      FROM   t1 
        JOIN t2
        JOIN t3
      WHERE t1.a = t2.b
        AND t1.a = t3.a
        AND a != 1;  -- which "a"?

  Again, viewed this way, the "a" reference is clearly ambiguous.

  Moving the conditions to the WHERE clause is allowed under the SQL spec,
  as is reordering those conditions, mostly because this is how all JOINs
  used to be written before the "ANSI JOIN syntax" came about (which I
  greatly prefer).

  You can see more evidence of this in a statement like this, which, at
  face value, is even more clear about which "a" you want but still
  throws an "ambiguous column name" error:

    SELECT * 
      FROM   t1 
        JOIN t2 ON a = b   -- can't figure out which "a" this is.
        JOIN t3 ON t1.a = t3.a;

  Once again, things become more clear when you realize the statement
  being processed might look like this:

    SELECT * 
      FROM   t1 
        JOIN t2
        JOIN t3
      WHERE t1.a = t3.a
        AND a = b;  -- which "a"?

  While these kinds of issues are the root of many headaches and a lot
  of cursing at the designers of SQL, there are very good reasons for
  this behavior.  First, there are the historical issues in how the
  language has evolved.  It would be very bad to have a query output
  change just because an alternate syntax was used, especially a syntax
  that is supposed to be equivalent.

  But more importantly, moving all the conditions into the WHERE clause
  allows the query optimizer to consider all the different JOINs and
  all the different filter conditions at once.  This allows it to re-order
  conditions, filters and joins.  For example, the query optimizer
  might reorder a series of JOINs based off table size and available
  indexes.  Given the ability of a JOIN to generate a vast number of
  rows, this reordering can have an extremely significant impact on the
  processing time for a query.  So the actual query might join t2 to t3,
  and then add t1 to the mix, especially if the optimizer could guess
  that the output of (t2 JOIN t3) was only a handful of rows, while the
  output of (t1 JOIN t2) might produce a vast number of rows.

  The take-away from all this is, if you ever mix tables with similar
  column names, make sure you always qualify your column references,
  because you really don't know exactly what the query optimizer might
  do with your statement, and it is better to be safe than sorry.  This
  is not unlike using extra ()s in complex math statements, even if the
  language doesn't actually require them.  


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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