On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Samuel Adam <a...@certifound.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 14:46:06 -0500, Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com>
> wrote:

> I appreciate your extensive (if wildly offtopic) analysis as quoted
> below.  You thoroughly misunderstood what I said, though.  Again, my
> fork()/exec() comment was directed to the same “cultural thing” as you
> spoke about in a different context; and my object thereby was to posit
> __why__ *nix kernel developers have more incentive to make sure processes
> run light.  Winapi doesn’t offer a really equivalent pair of syscalls, nor
> an extensive existing fork-exec practice, so NT kernel developers needn’t
> optimize that use case; whereas *nix kernel folks must of practical
> necessity design their process models to support a typical *nix code
> pattern.  If they do not so do, their users will complain bitterly about
> the overhead of all their daemons’ zillion workers *after* those workers
> are started with the classic fork()/exec().

Unix _application_ developers have an incentive to keep their
processes light-weight, but _kernel_ developers can't do that very
much to make fork() faster other than encourage _application_
developers to use posix_spawn().  The semantics of fork() + threads
are such that COW is really expensive for processes with large
writable resident set sizes -- it is what it is.

> This being off-topic as it is, I must decline to continue discussing OS
> process practice in front of 10,000 or so people (or so I heard) who tuned
> in for discussion about SQLite.  You said some very interesting stuff,
> though, particularly as to the TLB.  I’d like to leave the door open to
> engaging such discussions in an appropriate venue sometime (ENOTIME for
> the foreseeable future).

I thought it was on topic: I'm giving advice to SQLite3 application
developers: a) fork-safety is _really_ difficult for complex libraries
to implement, so assume fork-unsafe libraries unless the documentation
tells you otherwise, b) fork() is not cheap, so use vfork() or better,
posix_spawn() if at all possible.  You're free to disregard such
advice, of course.


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