Hey guys.

I've optimised most of my queries to work effectively, but I have one 
which is sometimes causing me problems.  It is:

SELECT * FROM multiturnTable WHERE rowid in (SELECT rowid FROM 
multiturnTable WHERE player1 ='?' UNION ALL SELECT rowid FROM 
multiturnTable WHERE player2 = '?') AND (complete=0 OR p1SubmitScore=0 
OR p2SubmitScore=0) AND p1Declined=0 AND p2Declined=0

multiturnTable has about 100,000 rows.

(My apologies if I keep harping on about this same general area).

This query needs to run only once per client session - which isn't very 
often.  However, when the server is taking up a lot of RAM I've seen 
this query take 30 seconds.  When there's plenty of RAM it only takes in 
the region of 100ms.  Does anyone have any advice?

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