Thanks for the help.

I finally resolved the problem. The compile flags that I was using on
Windows were the culprit. The following set of commands correctly build the
sqlite library (build environment is Microsoft Platform SDK v6.1).

cl.exe /O2 /GL /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /MD /W3 /c
"../external/icu/Win32/include" sqlite3.c

cl.exe /O2 /GL /D "WIN32" /D "_DLL" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE"

/MACHINE:X86 /LIBPATH:"../external/icu/Win32/lib" "/out:sqlite.dll"
NativeDB.obj sqlite3.obj icuuc.lib icuin.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib
oleaut32.lib uuid.lib 

mt.exe /manifest sqlite.dll.manifest /outputresource:sqlite.dll';#2'

Pavel Ivanov-2 wrote:
>> Basically, the column with name "model" has data type BLOB, and null is
>> being written to that column.
> I think your problem is with jdbc driver (I guess its setBytes
> implemented via the text data type, not blob) and with the fact that
> writeBuffer[0] is equal to 0. Changing writeBuffer[0] to something
> other than 0 could prove that.
> Pavel

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