On 6 mai 2011, at 15:09, Rolf Marsh wrote:

I figured this out... it was a "pilot-error" on my part...but I do have
an additional question (see below).

On 5/5/11 9:45 AM, Jean-Denis Muys wrote:
On 4 mai 2011, at 23:22, Rolf Marsh wrote:

a 32GB iPhone doesn't have 32GB of RAM. It has 32GB of storage space. That's 
vastly different.

Storage space as in SQLite d/b?

Storage space as in space available on your hard disk.

If you run your app in the simulator, the available storage is literally the 
available disk space on the OS X volume where your user account is stored. You 
can find your application somewhere at ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone 
Simulator/4.3.2/Applications. And your sqlite file is probably in the Documents 
subdirectory there. You can examine it from the terminal, look up its size, 

When you run your app on the device, the available storage is basically what 
iTunes tells you is available in the nice bar graph at the bottom of the 
summary screen.
Also the *total* storage space is displayed by Xcode's Organizer window under 
the "Capacity" designation.


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