> sqlite> select * from a where a=10 group by b;
> 10|1
> 10|2
> sqlite> select * from a where a=11 group by b;
> 11|2
> 11|3
> How can I do count equivalent of such a query to find out how many
> distinct values of b there are for a given a? (That is get an answer of
> 2 in the above)

select count(distinct b) from a where a = 11;


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Matthew Jones <matthew.jo...@hp.com> wrote:
> A simple query question that I really ought to know the answer to but don't:
> Given a table with multiple columns in it how do I count how many
> entries there are with column A matching some value where column B is
> distinct?
> sqlite> create table a (a, b);
> sqlite> insert into a values (10, 1);
> sqlite> insert into a values (10, 2);
> sqlite> insert into a values (10, 2);
> sqlite> insert into a values (11, 2);
> sqlite> insert into a values (11, 2);
> sqlite> insert into a values (11, 3);
> sqlite> select * from a where a=10 group by b;
> 10|1
> 10|2
> sqlite> select * from a where a=11 group by b;
> 11|2
> 11|3
> How can I do count equivalent of such a query to find out how many
> distinct values of b there are for a given a? (That is get an answer of
> 2 in the above)
> Thanks
> --
> Matthew Jones
> Hewlett-Packard Ltd
> Long Down Avenue
> Stoke Gifford
> Bristol.  BS34 8QZ
> Tel:   +44 (0) 117 312 7490
> Email:    matthew.jo...@hp.com<mailto:matthew.jo...@hp.com>
> Hewlett-Packard Limited registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks,
> RG12 1HN. Registered No: 690597 England
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