So I've stumbled twice trying to set up use of Fossil, both times with
respect to how to create a private branch.

First I did "fossil branch new ..." and didn't realize that the
workspace was not switched to be in that branch, so that my subsequent
commit didn't go to that branch.

My second attempt I did "fossil branch new ..." then "fossil checkout
...", then "fossil commit ... --private", but the last command
effectively created a new branch off my branch.

My third attempt I did a "fossil commit --private --branch ...".  That worked.

Also, I didn't expect commits and branches to go to the repository
that I cloned mine from.  That was surprising!  With git and other
similar VCSes such operations only hit the repository from which the
workspace was checked out.  Is this a configuration issue?

These are minor issues, IMO.  I expected Fossil to be painful (most
VCSes are), but aside from the above it's actually a pleasure.

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