On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:10 AM, Michael Yeaney

> For the (3.7.6+) package (x64), is there a stand-alone (mixed
> mode) DLL offered anymore that does not require the interop library
> (much like the version?

Not currently, as Shane mentions (and as quoted from under Build
Assumptions in the wiki):

"3. We do not want to ship the "monster DLL" (i.e. the "mixed-mode"
System.Data.SQLite.dll that includes native and managed code). This will
make it far simpler to maintain and ship the included core SQLite code (in
the file "SQLite.Interop.dll")."

> I'm using SQLite successfully in a
> few Microsoft Azure deployments, but with the new version, the servers
> are not able to locate the "SQLite.Interop.dll" library, as it is not
> in any search paths on the cloud machines. The goal here is simple
> xcopy deployment (in other words _not_ requiring GAC registration).
> Ideas? I'm assuming I'm missing something...but I just can't find it.

Meanwhile, perhaps, if you rephrase your goal and post again here on the
list, someone with experience in your environment (I'm NOT one of
those) will respond. I'm _guessing_ that you _don't_ mean to ask for the
xcopy command syntax itself:

xcopy /d /y $(ProjectDir)SQLite.Interop.dll $(TargetDir)

that when added to a Visual Studio project as a postbuild event _and_ the
separate SQLite.Interop.dll library has been copied to your project or
release folder  ...would, I guess be "simulating" the desired sequence
of setting the Build Action = "Content" _and_ Copy to Output Directory =
"Copy if Newer" (or "Copy Always") as described here:


Good luck.
        K e V i N
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