At 12:58 03/06/2011, you wrote:
>Guys, the server for this game -
>uses SQLite.  We've had an unexpectedly successful launch which has
>resulted in the server being swamped with players, and I'm trying to
>optimise everywhere I can.   I've always been under the impression that
>SQLite is pefectly fast and it's the scripting language I wrote the
>server in which is too blame.  (Yes, I know writing a back-end in a
>single-threaded scripting language is an absolutely terrible idea).
>However, everyone in the industry I talk to says that SQLite must be one
>of the problems.
>I may be looking at a complete re-write.  I may also need to have a
>solution which scales beyond one machine.  Can anyone give me advice on
>this matter specifically?
>(The video on that website at 2.04 gives a good idea of what kind of
>functions are being powered by the database).

You only uses sqlite for the player lists? What preferences/pragmas 
do you use for sqlite? Is the server a dedicated server or a shared 
vps? Which configuration hardware? Tell us more about our 
configuration and metal so we can help you.

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