Thanks for fixing that so quickly.  Looking forward to a new release.

        Patrick Earl

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Joe Mistachkin <> wrote:
> Patrick Earl wrote:
>> System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException was unhandled
>>   Message=Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified
>> culture or the neutral culture.  Make sure
>> "System.Data.SQLite.SR.resources" was correctly embedded or linked
>> into assembly "System.Data.SQLite" at compile time, or that all the
>> satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
> This issue appears to be caused by an incorrect resource name in the
> mixed-mode assembly compiled with VS 2010.  The following line in the
> project file "SQLite.Interop.2010.vcxproj" is incorrect:
> <LogicalName>$(IntDir)System.Data.SQLite.%(Filename).resources</LogicalName>
> It should read:
> <LogicalName>System.Data.SQLite.%(Filename).resources</LogicalName>
> This issue has been fixed in:
> Thanks for pointing out this problem.
> --
> Joe Mistachkin
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