On 7/20/11 8:27 AM, "Simon Slavin" <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

>On 20 Jul 2011, at 4:21pm, KeithB wrote:
>> I'd like to create a temporary table to "shadow" one of my persistent
>> tables. It will have the same columns and hold "override" values that,
>> when present, take precedence over the real values. So, I'd like to
>> search for a row by primary key, looking first in the override table,
>> and if not found, then in the real table. The result will always be
>> zero or 1 rows.
>> I can do this with two SELECTs, but that doesn't seem to be the most
>> efficient approach. I'm sure this is easy and obvious with some
>> combination of UNION, ORDER BY, and LIMIT or something, but I can't
>> figure it out.
>Had you considered a VIEW ?  A VIEW is a way of saving a SELECT statement
>that can be accessed as if it's a TABLE.  You could use a SELECT that
>uses a JOIN to pick a value from the appropriate TABLE.

And then, you can use coalesce() to pick up the value from the override
table, if there is one, or from the underlying table otherwise.


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