> Yeah that is what I did in the interim to get it to work.

Ok, good.

> The issue being my company does not believe in the DLLs being in a lib
folder inside a project.

Their beliefs do not impact how the code needs to be deployed in order to
function properly.

> Instead they have a Library folder at the same level of the solution file,
and everything is added by ref.

That will work for managed DLLs; however, the SQLite.Interop.dll is a purely
native DLL.  It cannot be added as a managed reference because it does not
contain any managed code or metadata.

> So unless I add it by ref I have to break company coding standards.

So the company does not use any purely native DLLs in their .NET apps?

> Unless it is in the bin, SQLite errors saying it cannot find the interop.

Yes, this is why I suggested that it be added to the project as a "content"
file and copied into the "bin" folder for deployment purposes.

> Guess I could add it to the GAC but that also breaks my companys coding

Adding the non-mixed mode assembly to the GAC is problematic and not

> Isn't it odd that I cannot just add it as a ref?

No, it's not odd, it's a pure native DLL.  Adding a reference requires the
DLL to be a managed assembly.

Joe Mistachkin

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