
I'm seeking some advice on improving SQLite's query planning in
relation to foreign keys. Sometimes it may be useful to exploit the
fact that the columns in separate tables refer to the same

Consider the following schema:

create table a (a, b, c);
create table b (a, b REFERENCES a(b), c);
create index bIdx on b(b);

It may be worthwhile to use the foreign key references to append the
"b.b=a.b" clause to queries spanning multiple tables:

explain query plan select a, b, c from a where b in (select b from b
where c='');
0|0|TABLE a

explain query plan select a, b, c from a where b in (select b from b
where c='' and b.b=a.b);
0|0|TABLE a

The second query plan could prove to be more useful if the number of
rows selected from table "a" is small and number of rows in table "b"
is big. Each lookup into table "b" is log(n) in this case, where n is
the number of rows in table "b". Obviously adding the clause can prove
to be useful in certain queries and not useful in others depending on
the result set sizes, but I believe that it is possible to count the
estimates and choose the better strategy.

Sometimes the foreign key information could be used to skip the lookup
in the original table altogether. Let's look at the following query:

select b from a where b in (select b from b where c='');

As long as a.b = b.b the query could actually be rewritten as:

select b from b where c='';

What use cases could you think of that would benefit from use of
foreign key information in query planning? What caveats could you
think of?

Filip Navara
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