Wanted to know if Sqlite can do simple math when there is a break in
sequence in the data. For example the foll. table is sorted by Longitude and
then Distance:

Id  Longitude Distance IVmean  IVsum IVcount
42 71.0         10          10.5000   2        21
43 71.0         10           29.4286  28      824
44 71.0         20           9.4677    62      587
45 71.0         20           11.6667  144    1680
46 71.0         30           3.5532    47      167
47 71.0         40           4.5732    49       67

I want to compute replace the IVmean for each repeated Distance by
IVsum/IVcount - for repeated Distance - for example,

Record 42 and 44 should be replaced by
71.0  10  (2+28)/(21+824)
Record 44 and 45 should be replaced by
71.0   20 (62+144)/(587+1680)

Is this possible to do this in Sqlite.

Thanks much.
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