On 12 sept. 2011, at 13:26, Black, Michael (IS) wrote:

Since SQL is designed to return rows I believe the answer is "no" since you're 
data is not stored in rows.

I suspected such a limitation. Thanks for the confirmation.
(though I question the justification: "SQL is designed to return rows" is 
precisely the reason why one could hope it could "return rows from the results 
of a [split] function").

You need to do what's referred to as "normalizing" your data.

That's one goal of the migration.
Back to programming.



Michael D. Black
Senior Scientist
NG Information Systems
Advanced Analytics Directorate

From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org<mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org> 
[sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org<mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org>] on 
behalf of Jean-Denis MUYS [jdm...@kleegroup.com<mailto:jdm...@kleegroup.com>]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 3:28 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: EXT :[sqlite] splitting a line to produce several lines?

I am migrating data from a database which has a table that describes items by 
"kinds". Instances of those "kinds" are stored in one column of this table, 
listing each instance's id, with all ids separated by a slash "/".

Of course, this is a very poor design. The target system has a proper table for 
instances, with a one-to-many relationship between kinds and instances.

My question is: is there a pure SQL way to split the instances string, and 
generate the instance lines from the instance list string? contrived example:

Table Kind:

id      name    instances
1       Bird            'eagle/seagull/hen'
2       Mammal  'dog/cat/cow/rabbit'
3       Fish            'tuna/shark/cod'

Possible outcome:

Table Instances:

id      name    kind_id
1       eagle   1
2       seagull 1
3       hen             1
4       dog             2
5       cat             2
6       cow             2
7       rabbit  2
8       tuna    3
9       shark   3
10      cod             3

(the instance id is not especially important. it could as well be the 
concatenation of the kind id/name and the instance name)

Of course, I could write a program to do that, but if I could do it in a few 
SQL statements, it would happen earlier…



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