
EN> I have an sqlite3 db that stores user-accounts (each user has an id);

You say you have a sqlite3 database, but it looks like you are using PHP's 
sqlite 2 interface. Unless you have special requirements or limilations, I 
would consider using the PDO interface for sqlite3.

Why not let the database handle the generation of user IDs? You seem to be 
emulating an auto increment primary key. It is possible to get the last 
generated ID back with sqlite_last_insert_rowid (or something similar in 
the other interfaces) - it isn't something you need to know in advance.

EN>     $query = "SELECT MAX(id) AS largestID FROM profiles";
EN>     $result_array = $database->arrayQuery($query, SQLITE_ASSOC);
EN>     foreach ($result_array[0] as $key => $value)
EN>     $max_id = $value;
EN>     $new_max_id = $max_id+1;

It may just be a matter of style, but I wouldn't use a foreach loop to get 
one value out of an array. You could do the same with:

$query = "SELECT MAX(id) AS largestID FROM profiles";
$result_array = $database->arrayQuery($query, SQLITE_ASSOC);
$new_max_id = $result_array[0]["largestID"] + 1;

EN>     $query =
EN>         'INSERT INTO profiles (birthDate, company, country, email, facebook,
EN> firstName, gender, id, lastName, skype, summary, twitter) ' .
EN>         'VALUES ("' . $php_data->dateOfBirth . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->company . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->country . '"' .
EN>                 ',"em...@gmail.com"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->facebook . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->firstName . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->gender . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $new_max_id . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->lastName . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->skype . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->summary . '"' .
EN>                 ',"' . $php_data->twitter . '");';
EN> }

It would be better to bind your pdp_data variables, so that you don't 
leave yourself open to SQL injection attacks. The sqlite3 and PDO 
interfaces let you do this.

EN> The problem is as follows; The first id is 80; when the number of users
EN> reaches 20 ( last id =100), the next id is never incremented! And new users
EN> keep getting id=100,
EN> although the DB primary key is incremented correctly;

Is there a reason for starting at 80?

If you put some error checking in your code, then that should let you know 
where the problem is.

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