Navaneeth.K.N <> wrote:
> I am trying to use parameters in a LIKE query. I have the following
> code which uses Sqlite C/C++ API.
> const char *sql = "SELECT word FROM words WHERE word LIKE ?1 || '%'
> ORDER BY freq DESC LIMIT 10;";
> int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
> if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
>     return false;
> sqlite3_bind_text ( stmt, 1, data , -1, NULL );
> Unfortunaltly, this won't work.

It should. Check the value of "data" variable - you are probably passing 
something other than what you think you are. I don't think anything wrong with 
the code you've shown - the problem must lie in the code you haven't.

> When I execute
> the same statement after removing parameters it works perfectly.
> Something like,
> const char *sql = "SELECT word FROM words WHERE word LIKE 'word'%'
> ORDER BY freq DESC LIMIT 10;";

That can't be right - there's an extra apostrophe before % sign.
Igor Tandetnik

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