I just got bit by some peculiar behavior in sqlite where

 id int primary key
is different from:
 id integer primary key
In particular, sqlite will generate values for the latter but not the former:
sqlite> create table a (a integer primary key, b integer);sqlite>
insert into a (b) values (0);sqlite> select * from a;1|0sqlite> create
table b (a int primary key, b integer);sqlite> insert into b (b)
values (0);sqlite> select * from b;|0
I couldn't find in http://www.sqlite.org/autoinc.html
orhttp://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html any mention of this
peculiardistinguishing behavior.  Anyway, if this is intentional (as
I'm guessing), I wouldn't have been able to tell from the docs -
perhaps this would warrant special mention?  Just thought I'd bring
this to your attention.
Yang Zhang
sqlite-users mailing list

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