Hello Gaurav,

What does a debugger show you?


Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 2:07:38 AM, you wrote:

GV> Here is the situation. I am using a cluster on which you can use MPI to
GV> split the processing time on to different processors. I was using
GV> PostgreSQL but since the data was on different server than the one I am
GV> running the code, it was slowing down the simulation due to connection
GV> overhead on PostgreSQL server. Then I switched to on-disk management
GV> software and so I chose SQLite. I first ran it without MPI on server,  and
GV> it ran (compile g++). Then I switched to MPI (mpicc compiler), it is not
GV> even running for one node (on which I am using one thread). It gives error
GV> "Database or Disk is full". Further debugging revlealed that sqlite3_step()
GV> was returning 1  and that means "SQL error or Database missing". It was
GV> able to get the number of columns with the same database and SQL querry. I
GV> dont understand why I am getting this error.

GV> Gaurav
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 Teg                            mailto:t...@djii.com

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