On 29.11.2011 04:49 CE(S)T, Joe Mistachkin wrote:
> Adding yet another
> pre-compiled set of binary packages for Mono would just serve to make things
> even more confusing.

Maybe some kind of grid-layout or wizard-style overview would be useful
to find the right download. I regularly get confused about the
descriptions, especially for the separated and mixed-mode assemblies,
and sometimes get an archive where the more important half is missing. I
do know what files I'm looking for, and what file sizes to expect, but
all that isn't advertised on the page.

>       MSBuild.exe System.Data.SQLite\System.Data.SQLite.[year].csproj
> /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:UseInteropDll=false
> /p:UseSqliteStandard=true

Thank you, that worked surprisingly fast.

So, where could I have found that information if not here?

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
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