I've added more tracking to our libraries.  Most queries result in minimal
(<200 calls) _malloc activity, But I have found several anomalies.  I am
listing some representatives below.  In the examples below, "step" is the
operation.  Note also that all queries should have been prepared with
sqlite3_prepare_v2 before step is invoked.

and FORM_DEFINITIONS.definition_parent=SURVEYS.SURVEY_OID order by

Cumulative Allocated Memory:               430,208
Count of _malloc Calls:                    2,255
Cumulative Reallocated Memory:             5,632
Cumulative Reallocated Memory where nil:   0
Count of _realloc Calls:                   22
Count of _realloc Calls where nil:         0
Count of _free Calls:                      2,258
Cumulative _mallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    175,232 bytes (2,063 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                254,976 bytes (192 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    5,632 bytes (22 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs of nil pointers by size
<= 1kb:                                    0 bytes (0 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)

Here is another anomaly:

step: insert   into background_constraints values     (
:sequence_instance_oid     , :sequence_definition_oid     )

Cumulative Allocated Memory:               426,240
Count of _malloc Calls:                    2,221
Cumulative Reallocated Memory:             4,520
Cumulative Reallocated Memory where nil:   0
Count of _realloc Calls:                   15
Count of _realloc Calls where nil:         0
Count of _free Calls:                      2,233
Cumulative _mallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    171,264 bytes (2,029 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                254,976 bytes (192 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    4,520 bytes (15 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs of nil pointers by size
<= 1kb:                                    0 bytes (0 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)'

Example three:


Cumulative Allocated Memory:               459,576
Count of _malloc Calls:                    2,323
Cumulative Reallocated Memory:             8,184
Cumulative Reallocated Memory where nil:   0
Count of _realloc Calls:                   31
Count of _realloc Calls where nil:         0
Count of _free Calls:                      2,319
Cumulative _mallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    180,808 bytes (2,108 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                278,768 bytes (215 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs by size
<= 1kb:                                    6,136 bytes (30 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                2,048 bytes (1 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)
Cumulative _reallocs of nil pointers by size
<= 1kb:                                    0 bytes (0 count)
1kb to 4kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
4bk to 8kb:                                0 bytes (0 count)
8bk to 16kb:                               0 bytes (0 count)
16bk to 32kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
32bk to 64kb:                              0 bytes (0 count)
64bk to 128kb:                             0 bytes (0 count)
128kb to 256kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
256kb to 512kb:                            0 bytes (0 count)
512kb to 1024kb:                           0 bytes (0 count)
> 1mb:                                     0 bytes (0 count)'
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