On 23 janv. 2012, at 11:18, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 23 Jan 2012, at 8:59am, Jean-Denis MUYS wrote:
>> I am a Mac developer, and I haven't even tried to look for such 
>> documentation on Xcode. This is because the steps to follow couldn't be more 
>> obvious. Here they are:
>> Step 1: drag and drop the amalgamation files to your Xcode project
>> Step 2: there is no step 2
> Have you tried that recently ?

Depends on what you mean by recently. Last time for me was around last summer. 
It was definitely with Xcode 4. I do that on perhaps a weekly basis with all 
kinds of source code however.

>  Where in the project ?

Wherever you like. I suspect you organize your project with groups for each 
subsystem. I put it in either in the subsystem that uses SQLite, or in a more 
general "3rd party libraries" group.

>  The Xcode icon in the dock ?

If you do that, Xcode will open the file(s) as is, and will not add it(them) to 
any of your open projects.

>  Part of an Xcode window ?

The project navigator as always.

>  The project icon in the window ?

Possibly. That icon is in the project navigator, and if drop a file on it, it 
ends up at the top level, outside of all groups.

>  One of the folders in the window ?  Make a new folder for them ?

Your choice.

>  How do you answer the dialog that pops up ?

Well, nothing special here. You answer it exactly as for any other set of 
source files: you check the targets that will use SQLite (probably all of them 
if you have more than one), you create a group if you dropped a directory 
rather than the source files themselves, and you check/or not the option to 
copy the files in the group folder (up to you).

>  Should the 'Target Membership' checkbox be checked for both files ?

It doesn't matter. In fact, if you drag and drop both files at the same time, 
you will not have the opportunity to decide on file by file basis. In any case, 
Xcode 4 is smart enough to know that header files are never added to any target.

While all those questions are legitimate, they are beginners questions 
regarding Xcode and none of them is related to SQLite. I would contend that 
SQLite documentation is not the right place where to put basic level 1 
documentation about any or all IDEs that can be used to develop with it.

Perhaps more interesting would be to propose Xcode project templates for 
projects that use SQLite with the Amalgamation distribution (as opposed to the 
SQLite versions that Apple ships with its OS'es). Though the added value would 
slight indeed.

> Simon.


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