On 24 January 2012 19:32, John Elrick <john.elr...@fenestra.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Krystian Bigaj <krystian.bi...@gmail.com
> >wrote:
> > You can compile sqlite3.dll with debug information, and then you can in
> VS
> > attach to your running .exe - you should be able to see sqlite
> > stacks/breakpoints/step-in/out/etc. should also work.
> >
> Thanks very much for the suggestion.  We do not have, nor have any
> intention of using, Visual Studio.  It's also not a DLL, the resulting
> output is a Borland OBJ, which cannot be generated correctly from any other
> compiler.

 So maybe you could try build OBJ with debug/remote options/symbols
(tdebug?). And then try to attach to running process from C++ Builder IDE
(if it's not plain Borland C++ compiler).
I've never used it, but it might work.

PS. I forgot also that VS doesn't support debugging code if there is more
than 64K lines in source file.

Best regards,
Krystian Bigaj
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