On 25 Jan 2012, at 3:10pm, Zygmunt Ptak wrote:

> On webpage: http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html is:
>       1.1 Boolean Datatype
>       SQLite does not have a separate Boolean storage class.
>       Instead, Boolean values are stored as integers 0 (false)
>       and 1 (true).
> That say to me: "You can use false and/as 0, or true and/as 1".

You have misinterpreted the text.  The text says that you can use 0 and 1 as 
boolean values.  It should not be interpreted as saying that the four 
characters "true" mean anything to SQLite.  They don't.  So when you did this:

> sqlite> insert into t values(false);
> Error: no such column: false

SQLite thought you meant to look up a column with the name 'false' and use 
whatever value was found in that column.  It doesn't have "false" as a reserved 
word interpreted to mean 0.

So just use 0 and 1 every time and it'll all work fine.

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