
I am a kind of newbie in sqlite world.
I have several questions about sqlite data base:

1.       Is there any way to read relations inside some sqlite data base (some 
way of deduction from data base contents)

2.       Let say I would like to check consistency/errors of my sqlite data 
base. Is there any plan how to star with it. Interesting is for example how to 
search for lost unused records

3.       Assume I have made some program using sqlite data base. This is used 
by my users, but they may use different versions of my program. How to update 
such program for checking database so it may check adequately to db version? in 
case there are some changes in data base.

4.       Is it difficult to switch my program from simple db use to 
client-server version. Does it need may work?

Marek Staniewski

AMSORT Sp. z o.o.
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