
I have a single column table, in which I wish to store around several
thousands of rows. I was wondering if I could insert them using a
single INSERT query and came across this Stackoverflow answer:
http://stackoverflow.com/a/1734067/348637 . According to that answer
it is possible to insert multiple rows using a single query with an
INSERT statement of the following form:

INSERT INTO table_name
SELECT 'val1' as col_name
UNION SELECT 'val3'...

This seems to work but in my case I get an error sometimes saying "Too
many terms in the compound select statement" , I do not remember the
exact error message but it close to this. As per the documentation on
the compound select statements
(http://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html) on Sqlite website, there is
no mention of an explicit limit. I would like to know the exact limit
on this, so that I could my code to work within this limit :)

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