Simon Slavin wrote and quoted:
>> Would the output of 'PRAGMA compile_options;' be sufficient ?
> That's a cute and useful feature I had forgotten.  It would be sufficient to 
show the preprocessor variable values that were in effect as the amalgamation was 
compiled.  However, for something that looks like either a SQLite code error or a 
gcc code generation error, the optimization settings are also likely to be needed, 
and those are not susceptible to that PRAGMA's behavior.

Don't forget this isn't is own weird project which may be using the API in an 
unusual way.  It's the shell tool.  Possibly even a the version downloaded from 
the SQLite web site.  Given how clear the bug is, with the addition of the 
bug-reporter's 'PRAGMA compile_options;', I think that's enough information to 
let the team try to reproduce the behaviour and see what happens.

By the way, this shell tool included with a recent version of OS X does not 
have the problem.

I don't want to get into a big debate over this, (in part because it's an indeterminate sort of issue), but I am responding so that the O.P. is not induced to ignore what I still think was good advice.

Of course "the team" can try to reproduce, something that can try with whatever repro info they have. And, as I also indicated, the preprocessor settings may be enough. If they are not, if the problem in fact arises with some strange combination of the seemingly countless optimization and other code generation options gcc has, the O.P. will ultimately have to discover that himself or provide those options to "the team". It would be more efficient for whoever does this little investigation to have full repro data. If they can only guess at the compilation flags, they do not have reproducibility due to the practically unbounded combinations, and that investigation will have to be broken into more sessions while the data I suggest be provided is obtained. Getting that data is not some big effort. If the O.P. is an experienced developer, he will know just how to get it. If not, he can either state he is using defaults or reflect upon whether playing with intriguing gcc flags is the best course.

To the O.P.: As someone who has seen a few code generation problems, I can state without doubt that optimization or other code generation settings may very well be relevant here, and that providing them up front will help resolve this if that is the case.

To Simon: I do not claim here that these settings *are* the problem, just that if they are, they will need to be made evident to enable progress to be made toward a solution.
Larry Brasfield
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