On 14 mai 2012, at 21:03, Kees Nuyt wrote:

> On Mon, 14 May 2012 05:41:08 +0000, YAN HONG YE <yanhong...@mpsa.com>
> wrote:
> […]

> By the way, common lineendings are platform dependent

> MS Windows: \r\n  = 0x0D 0x0A = cr lf
> Unix/Linux: \n    = 0x0A = lf
> Apple  Mac: \r    = 0x0D = cr

This is incorrect.

First off, Apple Mac is hardware, and as such, it doesn't use *any* line 
ending. It will use CR-LF (Windows) line endings by default if you install 
Windows, and LF (Unix) line endings by default if you install Unix or Linux - 
or Mac OS X which is Unix.

Apple's Operating System has been Mac OS X - certified Unix - for over a 
decade, and has been using LF line endings by default ever since. The Mac 
hasn't been using CR line endings for over 10 years.

10 years is a very long time in this industry. 


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