On 16 May 2012, at 9:04am, Goatjugsoup <goatjugs...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I want to know how to go about getting a specific row from a resultset
> (or if there is a different way to do it Im all for that too)
> My code goes something like this, stat being a statement variable already
> initialised previously. I thought perhaps absolute sounds like it might give
> the required row but it doesnt seem to have. s is a string declared already
> previously and picPath is a column of the table. I hope I have made what I
> am trying to do clear and would appreciate any help.
> ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from table1;");
> rs.absolute(index);           
> s = rs.getString("picPath");

What programming language and API are you using ?

My guess is that you can't do what you want.  You have to iterate through the 
result set using .next() .  The results of the query aren't all loaded up in an 
array waiting for you, they're not ready for you until you have used .next() to 
fetch them.

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