2012/5/16 Guillermo Soland <ggsol...@gmail.com>:
> Mr. Representative of SQLite:
> Hello, my name is Guillermo G. Soland, I live in the city of Villa
> Constitución, Santa Fe, Argentina, I graduated as a Computer Systems Analyst,
> but now I do not practice my profession for profit because my job is totally
> alien to what I studied , he wanted to see if I am allowed to include a file
> SQLite database in an application that I developed, and if so if I'm allowed
> to include with the application to apply for registration under any license,
> either GPL or Copyright (preferably the latter).


> Motivates this reason that I like to develop applications (as amateur) to
> users or public organizations, usually non profit with the sale of software
> (do not sell, are free), but I would ever write a history that I have I
> performed.
> From already thank you very much.
> Signed:  Guillermo G. Soland

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