Hello again,

(@non-developers: this post will not interest you in the slightest. @devs:
it may or may not interest you in the slightest.)

Regarding the subclassing model of sqlite4, where one subclasses by
creating an over-sized struct and padding it with their fields...

About a year ago i wrote a detailed article which demonstrates an alternate
approach to OO in C which is, IMO, an improvement over the more
conventional approach used by sqlite. The current model coincidentally runs
on all modern compilers (apparently) but officially has undefined
behaviour. C does not require that the pointer address will be the same for
both types when a base type pointer is cast to a derived type this way (at
least that's my understanding, and i apologize for not having a link handy).

In the off chance that i might influence such a design decision in sqlite4,
here's the article:


Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
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