On 29 Jun 2012, at 17:17, Stephan Beal wrote:

> If i can be of any assistance, i'm free to help this weekend. i feel kinda
> bad about spamming the user list so much, though :/.

        No need to feel bad.
        It helps us to see "over the horizon".

> Should we try to
> convince the admin ;) to set to a v4-specific list

        Unless v4 isn't intended to be ready for a really long time, I would
        hope that the admin won't be minded to build its own reservation
        for it.  8-)

> (or i can alternately move to the dev list (subscribing now))?

        May make sense.  Please don't forget to let us mere users have a
        trickle of news about v4.

        Best regards,
        Niall O'Reilly

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