
        Thanks for your considered comments.

On 2 Jul 2012, at 12:20, Simon Slavin wrote:

> Worth remembering that BLOBs don't have a well-ordering function.  You can 
> compare two BLOBs and tell whether they're the same (usually, but lossless 
> encoding defeats this), but if they're not the same you can't put one 
> 'before' the other.

        OK, in the general case.

> This is because BLOBs are essentially black boxes.  You have no idea what the 
> data represents.

        If I'm responsible for the data, I can take care that applying memcmp()
        to two BLOBs is meaningful.

>  If you know what it represented, you'd probably be storing it as text or a 
> number.

        I'm not sure I can depend on having 128-bit unsigned integers available.

        Notational options make normalization necessary for text.  With BLOB, I 
        use the result from inet_pton(); with TEXT, I have to apply inet_ntop() 
        the result of inet_pton().  Old-school parsimony makes me disinclined to
        do this.  Perhaps I need to lighten up?

>  Think of storing images as BLOBs.  How do you compare two images ?

        I don't think the analogy applies.  
        Images belong to a different specialization of the same base class.

        Thanks again,

        Niall O'Reilly

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