Thank you for your assistance. We have solved the below mentioned problem:

The reason was that the temp directory of the service did not exist - so 
sqlite was not able to create temp files in that non-existing directory.

We checked the 'TMP' and/or 'TEMP' environment variables of the service 
and noticed that the configured directory did not exist. 
Our installer does now ensure that the temp directory of the service user 
exists during the installation of our application.

=> For Java JDBC users: Please note that it is NOT sufficient to set the 
temp directory in the 'java.io.tmpdir'  settings since sqlite is an 
attached dll and uses the %TMP% or %TEMP% environment variable for that 

Hope this helps others with the same problem

Regards Markus

Von:    markus ruettimann <markus.ruettim...@trapezegroup.com>
An:     sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Datum:  15.08.2012 17:20
Betreff:        [sqlite] SQLITE in a Win7 Service Application
Gesendet von:   sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org

We are facing problems when the sqlite database () is used within an 
application that runs as a Win7 service under the local system account. 
The application is written in Java and we use the sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2 JDBC 

How ever we can create a new database, reading and writing to it withount 
any problem. The only thing that is not working is the ATTACH DATABASE SQL 

command. We constantly receive a CAN_NOT_OPEN error code.

When we start the same application under a local user everything works 
fine. I have to add the both databases that are to be attached are in the 
same folder and have been created by the Application itself. There are no 
access restrictions on the database folders or files.

Does anyone know about this and / or has a solution?

Kind regards
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