On So, 2012-09-16 at 17:17 +0100, John Clegg wrote:
> I have a table Members with 896 rows and a text field "Year2012". It
> contains "Paid" 156 times, "Comp" 13 times and the rest are null (confirmed
> in sqlitebrowser as "empty")
> Back in the olden days when this table was in Access, select
> count("Year2013") from Members used to return 169. In LibreOfiice with the
> data stored in embedded HSQL it returns 169. In LibreOffice connecting to
> sqlite3 it returns 896.
> Any ideas please?

You're probably looking for something like
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Members WHERE Year2012='Paid'
or maybe even
SELECT Year2012, COUNT(*) FROM Members GROUP BY Year2012

All the best
Marcus Ilgner

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