Have a table with one field holding numbers from 0 to about 110.
The field has no data type, so it is not integer or text.
Now I run the following SQL:

UPDATE table1 SET age_band = (case when age_band <= 10 then ' 0 - 10'
when age_band BETWEEN 11 AND 20  then ' 11 - 20' when age_band BETWEEN
21 AND 30  then ' 21 - 30' when age_band BETWEEN 31 AND 40  then ' 31
- 40' when age_band BETWEEN 41 AND 50  then ' 41 - 50' when age_band
BETWEEN 51 AND 60  then ' 51 - 60' when age_band BETWEEN 61 AND 70
then ' 61 - 70' when age_band BETWEEN 71 AND 80  then ' 71 - 80' when
age_band BETWEEN 81 AND 90  then ' 81 - 90' when age_band BETWEEN 91
AND 100  then ' 91 - 100' when age_band > 100 then ' over 100' else
age_band end)

Now there are 2 things wrong with the result.
Firstly there are no ' 91 - 100' results and there should be as there
are numbers in
this range.
Secondly, the number 100 remains as it is, so it shows as 100 in the output.
I thought that as the field has no date affinity, it should be handled
as integer
numbers and still should hold the text conversions fine.

Thanks for any advice as to what is going on here.

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