tigeryth wrote:
i used CDaoRecordset of MFC to handle records in ACCESS, whick is convenient to 
me move around records in table and edit certain record.

according to my habit, i wish sqlite has some kind of functions like, move(int) 
to get to cerctain record, getbookmark(...) to the record marked record and 
setbookmark() to mark the record, moveprov() to move one record back and 
movenext() to the record forward, IsEOF and IsBOF to know we are not out of 
table domain. all in one word, not only move forwardly but also backwardly 
through records in table.

i know sqlite3_get_table( )  ,  sqlite3_step() function and struct sqlite3_stmt 
 archive some goal mentioned above, but not all!!
how ?

SQLite does not provide any equivalent to a backward-moving cursor.

If you insist on using the SQLite C API, (when it appears you are using a library offering a putatively higher level of abstraction), you will need to look at the 'limit' and 'offset' qualifiers for 'select' queries. These can be inefficient for otherwise large datasets, so be careful and consider incorporating similar result subsetting criteria into the 'where' clause.

Now, some unsolicited advice: While MFC's database interface was useful in its time, that time is past except for old projects in maintenance. You should be using the ADO.NET SQLite adapter on the .NET platform. (See http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki .) I won't elaborate on this here, (as it is off-topic), but I doubt any sane developer could regret making that transition.

Larry Brasfield

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