On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 6:42 AM, message adams <message.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings;
> I've recently started using sqlite within Python, to help unit-test my
> applications.
> My applications actually run against sybase, but I'd love to use a
> connection to an in-memory sqlite to carry out my testing.
> As part of the unit-test, I'd pass the sqlite conenction into my source
> code hoping it would be none the wiser.
> The only real problem I see, is sybase uses a double period separator
> between the database and table. e.g.
> select * from database..table

No, it's not double period separator. It's actually
database.table_owner.table, but table_owner can be omitted, in that
case it's defaulted to 'dbo'.

> ... whereas sqlite
> select * from database.table
> I assume the sqlite database separator is not configurable, but was
> wondering if anybody's resolved a similar issue?

SQLite doesn't have a notion of users, thus it doesn't and won't
support the "double period" separator. SQLite even has a different
notion of databases that can go before table name. So to make queries
work both in SQLite and in Sybase don't use database name at all, make
it "select * from table".

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