On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Doug Crites <doug.cri...@asg.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using the sqlite-jdbc-3.7.8-20111025.014814-1.jar , trying to set the
> journaling off on my 'main' only opened db.
>             SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
>             config.setJournalMode(SQLiteConfig.JournalMode.OFF);
>         writeLog("Timestamp properties");
>             Properties propSqlite = config.toProperties();
> When I run,  I see from my properties display that the journaling is off,
>  but I still see a journal file being created when I run it.
> {open_mode=6, journal_mode=OFF)
> Does anyone have experience with turning this off thru the SqlLiteConfig
> object?  Any tips on usage?

I know nothing about the Java SQLiteConfig object.

Did you know you can change the journal mode directly using a pragma?  Have
you tried:

     PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF;

To see if that works for you?

D. Richard Hipp
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