On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 5:46 PM, David King <dk...@ketralnis.com> wrote:
> > I am populating a database with 5764 records using the exact same data set
> > each time into a newly created file.
> > When I use no explicit transactions (default atomic commit) it takes 17.7
> > seconds.
> > When I set journal_mode = off, same operation takes 5.5 seconds.
> > If I do all 5764 inserts within a single transaction only 2.5 seconds.
> That sounds about right, yeah. With journalling, most disk writes have to be 
> done twice (once to the journal and once to the data file).

Which is why I expected journal_mode = off to make it faster.  But it
is 3 seconds faster when I leave journaling enabled and do all writes
within a single transaction.
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