On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Tiago Rodrigues <wtrm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm writing a small simulation app and for it I would like to use SQLite3
> as an application file format, as suggested by the "Appropriate uses for
> SQLite" page in sqlite.org.  More specifically, the page suggests calling
> BEGIN TRANSACTION when opening a file and calling COMMIT when saving it
> again, or ROLLBACK if closing it without saving.

I wrote that text a long time ago - nearly a decade ago.

Really, I think SQLite works even better as an application file format if
you simply omit "File/Save" from the menu, and commit small transactions as
you go.  That way, if your application crashes or if your machine loses
power, you don't lose any work.

Here are some notes on how to implement undo/redo  that works across
sessions using triggers: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=UndoRedo

Consider, if you will, how the use of SQLite might improve an application.
Let's think about the Open/Libra/NeoOffice presentation application.
OpenOffice presentations do *not* use SQLite as an application file
format.  (In fairness, the program was designed and written long before
SQLite had been invented.)  Instead, presentations (the *.odp files) are
stored as a ZIP archive containing files of XML, images, and other
resources.  A typical *.odp with lots of images runs about 10 or 20MB in

When you start up OpenOffice, you have to wait 10 or 20 seconds for it to
unpack the ZIP archive, then load and parse *all* of its XML and all of the
images.  The result is an annoying delay and a big memory footprint.  If
OpenOffice had used SQLite instead, it should simply query for the content
of just the first slide and display that right away, with no delay, and
without having to load the entire 150-slide presentation into memory first.

OpenOffice (or it least the LibraOffice that comes installed on my Ubuntu
desktop) tends to crash a lot.  And when it does, I loss work.  If the file
format were SQLite instead, each edit would be saved as a separate
transaction and no work would be lost after a crash.

Perhaps because it crashing with such regularity, OpenOffice will
periodically make an automatic backup of the presentation being edited.  It
takes a while (several seconds) to generate all of the necessary XML and
images packed into a ZIP archive, and while this is going on, the screen is
mostly locked up.  The automatic backups can happen at any moment.  So I
might be typing in some text and then in the middle of a word it decides to
do a backup, and my keyboard input stops working and I have to wait several
seconds to continue.  You cannot imagine how frustrating this is,
especially when working on deadline.  Furthermore, because it is writing
the entire 20MB *.odp file, you are burning through 20MB of write on your
life-limited SSD drive, when if fact you might have only changed a few
bytes of text.  None of these problems would even come up if the file
format were SQLite instead.

I've accumulated lots of presentation slides over the years.  Wouldn't it
be cool if these slides could all be tagged and then when constructing a
new presentation I could search for existing slides using keywords.  That
would be a fairly trivial enhancement if the file format were an SQLite
database instead of a ZIP-compressed pile-of-files.  One could even
consider using SQLite's built-in full-text search engine.

Finally, the *.odp file format is inscrutable.  It is very difficult to
read or write without using OpenOffice.  Third-party extensions cannot be
easily added. If you want to write your own program to analyze or modify an
OpenOffice presentation, you have to write lots of code that will decode
and/or generate the custom OpenOffice pile-of-files format, which is a huge
barrier to entry  If the presentations were stored as SQLite databases,
there is still some decoding and reverse-engineering that needs to be done,
but substantially less - particularly if a reasonable schema is selected.
This means that with SQLite as a file format, new applications can be more
easily written to operate on your files.  And because SQLite automatically
takes care of concurrency control, you could even have two or more
federates working on the same presentation at the same time!

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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